Friday, June 15, 2012

Update 2: Henhouse on Monroe

At long last the Ladies are living outside! They spent their first night in the henhouse six days ago. That first night was a little rocky. Karana didn't want to be left alone, so she hopped on my back where I couldn't reach her, and wouldn't get off. Meanwhile, two more chickens hopped on me too, one on my forearm and one on my shoulder. It took some doing to get all those chickens off me. As Junie B. Jones says, "I thought they were going to peck my head into a nub."

And the weird one wouldn't walk on the floor of the coop. She just laid right by the chicken door until I picked her up and moved her. Crazy chickens.

Anyway, the following pictures show where we're at. You'll notice we have a few items to finish up; the windows and a few exterior cosmetic things. All that matters is the Ladies are outside, their coop is secure, and our porch doesn't smell like barnyard anymore!

The yellow dog still thinks the chickens are his! What do you think of this cool vinyl floor we put in?

Only one of the Ladies has figured out where she should roost. Of course, it's Karana. I guess if the other ones are happy on the cross brace, so be it.

The Chicken Tenders

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Update: Henhouse on Monroe

Between a Memorial Day camping trip, work, end-of-school activities, and a bout of the summer flu, we've been working as much as possible on the henhouse. I'm happy to report we are getting closer. The following pictures are not the most recent. We've added chicken wire to almost the entire coop, leaving just a door, two windows, two vents, and a vinyl floor to finish. It sounds like a lot, but it's better than where we were.

Here are some recent pix of the Ladies. Since they are still living in their brooder pen, we bring them outside and let them roam the yard during the day. They love running under this big pine tree in the backyard.

The Chicken Tenders