Saturday, September 8, 2012

Chicken Treats

Our chickens eat well. In fact, they probably eat better than lots of people I know. That's because my mom  brings the Girls delicious, healthy scraps, since she works with food all day. The Girls know that when they see her coming with a plastic baggie, juicy treats galore!

A few of their favorites include melon rinds, strawberry tops, and corn on the cob. They also enjoy pecking around in cucumber and potato peels. And if some tomato, green pepper, or zucchini scraps happen to get thrown in the mix, they'll gobble those up, too! 

 The yellow dog thinks the scraps are his, so if Mom puts the baggie on the bench for even a second, he'll try and sneak off with it!

Uh-oh. I've been caught.

We still only have one chicken laying eggs. It has to be Karana, since she was always the first to do everything. We're hoping the others get the hint. Keep your fingers crossed!

The Chicken Tenders

Monday, September 3, 2012

Let's Get Crackin'

Our glorious first egg tasted delicious!

Observations about farm fresh ( fresh) eggs versus store bought eggs:
  1. The shells are much harder to crack.
  2. The yolks are very yellow.
  3. The taste is richer.
We love our eggs. Only one girl is laying and we've gotten around six tiny eggs so far. We're hoping all the Girls take the hint and start laying soon.

Yesterday we had a small incident; one Girl flew the coop! It was completely operator error. I left the henhouse door open. Oops! It was only for a second. I turned to get my little rake and when I turned back around, I saw the escapee. Since the dogs were out, I quickly coaxed them in the house before they had a chicken snack, then I ran back out and tricked my escapee in the henhouse with some food. Too bad I didn't have a camera. What a sight, three chickens inside staring at the one outside trying to figure out how that happened!

Happy Labor Day,
The Chicken Tenders