Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Henhouse Happenings

Here's the latest happening in the henhouse:

The big egg on the left turned out to be a double yolker! Yeah, Girls!

Right now, the basket on our counter holds just over a dozen eggs. However, that's not because the Girls are suddenly laying lots of eggs each day. That's because the Chicken Tenders were gone last week, and none of the replacement Tenders ate any of the eggs that they collected (i.e., my mom and dad). I'm not sure why. Maybe because they wanted to eat poorer quality, store bought eggs?

Not to worry, the Girls seemed perfectly fine while we were gone. Here's a picture my dad sent the first day he watched them. Notice the new insulation inside the coop that will (hopefully) keep the Girls a bit warmer since colder temps are headed this way.

The dogs were a different story. They were quite sad when we left. This is another photo Dad sent. Note the sad puppy dog eyes. Also note that the dogs spent quite a bit of time on the couch while we were gone.

The Chicken Tenders flew the coop for a week, but where did we go? Here are some hints.

If you guessed Florida, you're right. Back in March we won this trip to a resort in Orlando. Jason bought a $10 ticket and apparently it was the lucky ticket!

The trip was splendid. One Chicken Tender flew for the first time (and loved it),

 All the Chicken Tenders ate sweet treats (and loved them),

Visited with exciting creatures,

Rode rides and won some games,

Met a few interesting characters along the way,

Winter the Dolphin

And had a roaring good time.

The dogs were quite happy to see us come home, especially the white one, who usually doesn't care one way or the other.

 And, we came home to a clean house and homemade lasagna and soup. Thanks, Dad and Mom, you rock!

 The Chicken Tenders

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cedar Man Dan

Jason and Dan

Here he is, Cedar Man Dan! Dan gave us all the cedar we used to build our chicken coop. And then he loaned us his live trap when we were trying to catch Sneaky Rocky. Dan's a great guy. Was he happy that I took his picture? No. Is he going to be happy when he sees it on the blog? Double no! Will I probably pay for this the next time we go camping? Yes. Oh well, it's worth it to have his picture on our blog!

Cutest Egg Basket Ever

I finally found an egg basket to hold our eggs. Isn't it adorable? Fifty cents at a local church sale last weekend; I was so geeked out when I saw it! This is just what I've been looking for. Jason said it would look better if the thing actually had eggs in it. Well, I agree, but the Girls are working on that.

So far, we get approximately 1-2 eggs every other day. Karana lays about 5 days a week. Copycat (that's what Emma used to call the chicken that copied everything Karana did) lays an egg every other day, sometimes every three days. And the other two Girls, what can I say? They're thinking about it. You can't rush into these things.

Want to play a little game? Each bowl has two beaten eggs. One bowl contains eggs from the store (Aldi's, to be exact) and one bowl contains city-fresh eggs from our Girls. Which is which? Can you tell? Leave a note on the blog with your guess, and in a few days, I'll give you the answer!

The Chicken Tenders