If you guessed all three, you're correct.
Last Sunday, a few days after Hawk Attack #1, we decided to let the Girls out of their coop to free-range, except we stayed with them the entire time and even brought the yellow dog outside with us, thinking this would definitely prevent a 'hawk event'. (White dog was not invited, since we're almost 100% sure she would eat the chickens faster than the hawk would.)
We were a bit leery since Toby and the Girls haven't mingled side-by-side before, but that part actually went very well.
First, he just watched from a distance.
Then, he got a bit closer and got pecked.
And once he got pecked, his feelings got hurt and he didn't want anything to do with those sharp-beaked birds.Watch the series of pictures as Karana comes closer to him.
So Toby stayed by the tree, a few feet away, watching the chickens peck, probably wondering how we could stand to be near those meanies.
We were outside close to an hour when one of the chickens, Ethel (she's the weirdo), started doing her strange flying dance. Guess what? She's not so weird after all. She's alert. And ten minutes after she acted strange, Mr. Red Tail made a guest appearance, looking for lunch.
Apparently our presence did not deter the hawk from trying to snatch a chicken. We started yelling and Toby started barking, which I think ultimately scared the hawk away. So now the Girls can't free range in the yard at all.
The verdict: Until Jason builds a chicken tractor (a movable cage that travels around the yard), the Girls are stuck in their pen.
The Chicken Tenders