Sunday, December 30, 2012

Cluck Cluck Saves the Day!

Thanks, Mary Ann, for sending me the link to this story.

Cluck Cluck is this family's pet chicken and it saved them from a house fire. Yeah for Cluck Cluck!

Here are two thoughts that went through my head after reading the article;
1. I hope no one mispronounces that chicken's name.
2. Very creative to have your chicken sleep in the basement in cold weather. I mentioned this to my hubby. He did not like the idea too much.

No news here regarding our Girls. Why, you ask? Because they won't do anything in the snow. They won't go outside when there is snow on the ground. They won't lay eggs because we aren't providing them artificial light. They're just staying cooped up in the hen house, by choice. Maybe tomorrow I'll try and trick them into going outside.

The Chicken Tenders

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Chickens' First Snow

Snowy Coop

The Girls saw snow for the first time this past Monday. They had mixed feelings about the powdery white fluff that covered the ground of their chicken run.

Karana was the first Girl brave enough to take a peek, and the only one brave enough to venture outside.

One other Girl stuck her head out, but she would not join Karana for a winter walk.
Shortly after, Karana went back inside the hen house and that's where all the Girls stayed the rest of the day. It's going to be a very long winter for them if they don't get used to the snow. And this wasn't even much snow at all, just a dusting!
The snow came one day too late for our family, though. Instead of a snowy day for our annual Christmas tree farm visit, we had a rainy day. A dreary, chilled-to-the-bone kind of rainy day. At least the horses didn't mind giving us a ride. And the farm had a little shop where we could step inside to warm up and grab some yummy hot cocoa! 

 The Chicken Tenders