Thursday, March 14, 2013

Back to Blogging!

Winter slipped by quickly and uneventfully. Snow drifts, slippery roads, school delays... this winter was much like any other. Except that, on the mornings where winter winds bite at your nose and freeze your pant legs stiff, I still had to trot out to the chicken coop (along with my trusty yellow sidekick) and take care of the chickens. Is it worth it, you ask? Just for a few eggs a day, is it really worth it? Yes. It is. Because when you find eggs in the coop.... makes you feel, well, proud. Proud that you raised these four chickens from babies to grown hens.

And they didn't die, and they lay fresh eggs for your family, and you get to teach your kid a little bit about where the food we eat really comes from. So, yeah, it's worth it.

A few facts about this winter:

1. The Girls are laying eggs on a regular basis now. We average 3 eggs a day.
2. The hawk is back. I spotted him several times last month, drool dripping from his beak as he eyed the coop.
3. The hens have taken to pecking each other's feathers out and eating them. Not all the time, but still...

... it's slightly disconcerting. I think I better talk to my more knowledgeable chicken farmer friends about this nonsense.

Here are a few more fun pix.

 Until next time,
The Chicken Tenders