Friday, August 10, 2012

Time's flyin' by

I know... it's been over a month since the last update. I thought I would have more time to post since I finished my classes, but July flew right by!

We enjoyed time with friends

  Helped build a playground

Watched our niece

Made a few trips to the lake

Stopped by the zoo

Cleaned up from storm damage

 And watched Ms. Kitty.

When it was time to leave, Ms. Kitty struggled with the idea of riding home in her cardboard box. (I think someone will have to invest in a real cat carrier.) You'll notice the significant amount of tape and wire ties that held the box together.

Ms. Kitty managed to weasel her way out of that box and got her head stuck sideways to the tape. Unfortunately, there are no pictures to document that incident. I'm happy to report Ms. Kitty is back home with no permanent injuries!

Although we've been busy, the Girls still receive plenty of attention. Their favorite treats seem to be blueberries, watermelon, and cantaloupe rinds. When our friends were here, their son got to meet the Girls.

I recently hit a yard sale and a store discount sale and found some valuable tools for the coop. I'll save those pix for the next post!

The Chicken Tenders


  1. I'm trying to think what you could get for a coop at a yard sale. I'm guessing...a basket to gather eggs in? Crates for nest boxes?

    How long until the hens start to ... ovulate?

    1. Hi Anne! You'll just have to wait and see the tool I got for $1.00! It is the best dollar I've spent for the coop so far.

      I figured that the Girls would be old enough to start laying by the end of August, based on what I've read in different books. Which means anytime now, you'll be seeing a picture of the first egg.
