Monday, April 30, 2012

The Chicken Whisperer

It seems my husband is somewhat of a Chicken Whisperer. The chick-a-poos love him! The Girls could just as easily do without me. They loudly cheep and peep whenever I come near them (which is all the time, since I work in the office and take care of the feeding, cleaning, etc). They fly away from me and peck at me when I reach in their pen. They even do this to my daughter sometimes (though not nearly as often as me). But when my hubby walks by and sticks his hand in there, they hop right up and start climbing his arm. Hmpf.

You'll notice the yellow dog in the corner of the second picture, watching to make sure everything is under control.

Here are three observations I've made after the first full week of chick keeping:

1. Chicks poop a lot! And then they walk in it, and get it on their wings, beaks, each other... the list goes on. No matter how much I clean that brooder pen, some chick always has poop on herself. Yuck.

2. Chicks are not like dogs. They are not going to love me, no matter how hard I try. Good thing I'm really just in this for the eggs.

3. Chicks have a very short attention span. They peck at one thing, them something shinier or more interesting comes along and they're onto that. Talk about attention deficit problems.

At least they're still alive. I know that's how the last post ended, but it's true. We're proud of the fact that they haven't died!!

The Chicken Tenders


  1. I love reading these updates. We can't wait to meet the Girls. Too cute! Love you guys.

  2. Thanks, Heather! Jonathan is going to love holding the chicks!

    1. Yes, he will! How long will they stay little?
